“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” (Proverbs 10:22)
The first mention of the blessing occurs in Genesis 12:2, when God blessed Abraham and promised to make him a blessing. God initiated the blessing, and the patriarchal fathers customarily extended their blessing upon their children before they died. (Genesis 22, 24, 26-28, 32, 49) “A blessing, when expressed by men, is a wish or prayer for a blessing that is to come in the future.” (Vine’s) “It is a divine gift that causes our work to succeed.” (Strong’s) In The Blessing, Gary Smalley divides the blessing into five elements: 1) meaningful touch; 2) the spoken word; 3) attachment of high value; 4) predict a specific future positively and 5) active commitment. In order for the blessing to be complete, all five elements must be present. Think about those in your sphere of influence- individuals God has placed in your life that possess a wounded spirit. God wants to use you to impart the blessing and bring healing to their hearts. You can be a Paul to a Timothy; an Elijah to an Elisha; a Naomi to a Ruth; or a Barnabus to a John Mark. One way to give the blessing is to ask the person to kneel before you (Genesis 48: 10&12); anoint their head with oil (I Samuel 10:1; 16:13); lay your hands on them (Numbers 27:18-20); pray God’s blessing on them from your heart as the Spirit gives utterance. You can also use the following scriptures in the blessing: Proverbs 23: 15,17,26; Philippians 1: 9-11; 4: 6-8, 19; Ephesians 1: 16-18; 3: 16-19; Colossians 1: 10, 11; 2: 6, 7; Genesis 49:28; 12:23; 28:1,3,4; 33:11; 27:28; Numbers 6: 24-26; 23: 19, 20; Deuteronomy 28: 1-4, 6,7,13,14; I Kings 2: 2, 3. Follow the example of Jesus. The last thing He did before ascending to heaven was to lift His hands and bless His disciples. (Luke 24:50)
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