Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Is Your "Delilah"?

“Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves. With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.” (Proverbs 7:18, 21)
Every godly man has a little of Samson in him: an area of great strength in which God has blessed him. Every man also has his Delilah that he must confront: a weakness that has the potential to cripple him and drain him of his strength. I heard Bishop T. D. Jakes preach that: “Delilah was anything that had the potential to bring you to your knees. For some men, it could be women, money, lust, power, possessions, pornography, etc.” The adulterous “Delilah” in today’s proverb attempts to entice her “Samson” with promises of sexual fulfillment and a sensual smorgasbord of pleasure. She is persuasive, flattering and has left many wounded men in her wake. She appeals to men to indulge in her pleasures, give in to their lust and act on their forbidden fantasies. Delilah is a poisonous snake and “many strong men have been slain by her.” (Proverbs 7:26) Samson’s weakness was women, but his greater sin was that he did not guard the source of his strength. In reality, he trusted his strength more than he trusted God. He became overconfident in his abilities and let down his guard. Godly men, Satan has a thick dossier on you. He and his minions know your weaknesses better than you do. Recognize your spiritual limitations, and allow the Holy Spirit to point out the “Delilah’s” in your life. Do everything in your power to avoid them.

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